
Welcome to Expat Valley: Empowering Service Providers in the Global Mobility Industry

At Expat Valley, we understand the vital role service providers play in supporting internationally mobile families and ensuring successful relocations. Our mission is to empower service providers with the knowledge, resources, and support they need to excel in the global mobility industry and contribute to building the World's Happiest Ecosystem for internationally mobile children and their families.

How we can support Service Providers in the Global Mobility Industry

  • Inspiration Sessions & Training: Educate your staff on how to address family-related concerns within the scope of your services. Our training programs equip your team with the knowledge and skills to better support internationally mobile families and children.

  • Quickscan and Roadmap: Get expert guidance on enhancing your organization's international family-friendliness. Our quickscan and roadmap workshops provide actionable recommendations tailored to your organization's unique needs and goals.

  • Thought Leadership: Invite Expat Valley to speak at your client events on innovative topics related to family support in the global mobility industry. Engage your audience with insightful presentations and demonstrate your commitment to supporting internationally mobile families.

  • Partnerships: Collaborate with Expat Valley to leverage our curated content and extensive resources. By becoming a referral source, you can provide your clients with access to our specialized services, enriching your offerings and distinguishing your brand in the industry.

  • Access to Family Support Services: Benefit from our comprehensive family support services, including the Global Family Library, Family Support Community, Family Support Services, and Special Family Support Services. These services can be valuable resources for your clients and enhance your offerings as a service provider.

  • International Family Expert Alliance (IFamEA): Join our alliance and gain access to a global network of professional family experts. Collaborate with fellow experts, share best practices, and advocate for the needs and well-being of international children and their families.

Take the Next Step

Ready to learn more about how Expat Valley can support your organization's goals and contribute to the well-being of internationally mobile families and children? Contact us today to schedule a meeting and explore how we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique requirements.